Course overview

  • 20 lessons
  • 2hr30m
  1. Welcome to Beacon

    1. Welcome to the Beacon user tutorial

    2. Beacon Basics

    3. How to use our Support Feature

    4. Beacon Basics - Quiz

  2. Record Types

    1. How records relate to each other

    2. Beacon record types

    3. Creating your first few Beacon records

    4. Create your first few Payment Records

    5. Updating Records

    6. Record Quiz

  3. Custom Fields

    1. Create your first Custom Fields

    2. Searching, Filters, Views and Columns

    3. Custom Fields, Searching and Filtering Quiz

  4. Subscriptions and timelines

    1. An Introduction to Subscriptions

    2. An Introduction to Timelines

    3. Subscriptions and Timelines Quiz

  5. Importing and exporting data

    1. Importing Data

    2. Exporting Data

    3. Importing & Exporting Quiz

    4. Feedback